Industry Insights

Enhancing Safety for Telecommunications Workers: A Case Study
In the world of telecommunications, the safety of field workers is paramount, especially when dealing with overhead power lines and potentially hazardous electrical sources. Proxxi Voltage, a cutting-edge safety technology, has been instrumental in protecting telecommunications (telco) workers by providing real-time alerts and insights into electrical hazards.

How Precursor Events Can Prevent Incidents - Part 2
Through monitoring precursor events and leading indicators, organizations are able to focus on future health and safety. The goal of this is for continuous improvement of organizational safety, and ultimately to prevent workplace injury.

How Precursor Events Can Prevent Incidents - Part 1
A term that has entered the vernacular of many safety professionals in recent years is “precursor events”. But what are then, and why are they important? And - most importantly - how can they help improve your organization’s safety?