Industry Insights

Proxxi’s Q2 2024 Newsletter
At Proxxi, we are committed to your safety and we believe in our technology so strongly that we are willing to back it with our Proxxi Promise…

Proxxi’s Q1 2024 Newsletter
For our first newsletter of 2024, we want to share our new releases with you!
We are very excited to announce the release of a new version of the Proxxi Voltage Dashboard. We also want to announce the newest product in the Proxxi Voltage system: Proxxi Hub.

Proxxi’s Fall 2023 Newsletter
With this update we are bringing you real customer insights on trust in LOTO, a case study from a customer using Proxxi Voltage in the field, as well as a newly released app that will help you ensure your wristbands are updated and synced.

Proxxi’s Spring 2023 Newsletter
May is Electrical Safety Month, and we are excited to share our updates and insights with all of you.

Proxxi’s Winter 2022/2023 Newsletter
The start of the new year likely has many EHS professionals finalising the details on their 2023 safety plans. Whether that involves re-upping first aid training, checking existing signage, or deploying Proxxi Voltage, the Proxxi team is grateful for your commitment to your team’s safety.

Proxxi’s September Newsletter
With many folks in the northern hemisphere returning from summer vacations, this September is sure to be a busy one for all, so we’ve kept this month’s newsletter short and sweet.

Proxxi’s August Newsletter
This month we’re bringing you content that fits into your day, whether that's the time to dig into our newest case study, or a quick moment to flip through our 4-slide infographics.
So whether you’re holding down the fort in the office, taking time off with family, or celebrating National Golf Month on the green, you’ll find something that works for you.

Proxxi’s July Newsletter
For us in the northern hemisphere, July signals the beginning of summer fun - vacations, beach days, and time with the family. But as all of those in the EHS space know, safety doesn’t take a vacation, and distractions about upcoming holidays can result in disastrous consequences.

Proxxi’s June Newsletter
From Electrical Safety Month in May to Safety Month in June - Proxxi is here to help you protect your workers.

Proxxi’s May Newsletter
May is Electrical Safety Month. What will you and your organization be doing to help improve electrical safety for your team members?

Proxxi’s March Newsletter
March 8th marks International Women’s Day! Proxxi is proud to have some truly amazing women on our team - many of whom you may have interacted with - either personally, or with their work.
Thank you to all of the amazing women out there!

Proxxi’s February Newsletter
In January we saw the busiest month for our Proxxi Contact system, as everyone adapted to Omicron and redeployed their contact tracing methods. But that’s not all that kept us busy! Read more for our new posts and system updates.

Proxxi’s January Newsletter
What’s new in 2022?
As we all enter into a new year, we’re excited to announce some of most exciting product updates

Proxxi’s December Newsletter
With 2021 quickly coming to a close, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at some posts from this year that our community found the most helpful and informative.

Proxxi’s November Newsletter - 2021
Are you as data-driven as we are? This month's newsletter focuses on the statistics around injuries, both electrical and non-electrical.

Proxxi’s September Newsletter - 2021
As we see a global resurgence of COVID-19 led by the Delta variant, how has your organization reacted? We are hearing from our customers that many organizations are scrambling to reimplement their previous protocols.
To help you get ahead and prevent downtime in your business, we are focusing our content this month on COVID-19 and how your organization can prepare.

Proxxi’s June Newsletter - 2021
Did you know that June is National Safety Month? In 2019 the US saw the highest number of workplace deaths since 2007, and in 2020 a great many of us worked from home. With workers returning on site, it is important to ensure your safety practices are not only compliant, but also comprehensive.

Proxxi’s April Newsletter - 2021
Did you know that April 7th is World Health Day? Supporting the health and safety of business and their employees is Proxxi’s key driver. We strive to bring you pertinent information for workplace health and safety topics in our monthly newsletters, and April is no exception.

Proxxi’s March Newsletter - 2021
This March marks the one year mark of Covid-19 being declared a global pandemic. A lot of change has happened over the past year, but here at Proxxi we will want to ensure our customers are well informed about the topics that matter to them. In this newsletter we will be focusing on how you can improve your organization’s workplace safety plan.

Proxxi’s February Newsletter - 2021
As you know, Proxxi is first and foremost a company that is focused on improving worker safety. In this month’s newsletter, we have decided to focus on how to ensure that your organization is doing everything it needs to in order to protect our employees and our organizations.