Industry Insights

Proxxi’s December Newsletter
With 2021 quickly coming to a close, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at some posts from this year that our community found the most helpful and informative.

Proxxi’s October Newsletter
In autumn 2020, many nations in the northern hemisphere saw an increase in cases of COVID-19. How will we fare this fall? Last month we shared the first posts in our vaccine and Delta blog series. This month, we bring you more of what you need to know.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Israel Case Study - Part 3
Israel was the first nation to vaccinate the majority of its population. As such, the rest of the world can look to it to better understand the progression of “getting back to normal”. Organizations can take note of their experience and apply lessons learned to their own COVID-19 safety plan.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Herd Immunity - Part 2
“Herd immunity” became a rallying cry around the COVID-19 vaccine. With herd immunity we could feasibly return to normal without fear of outbreaks. Is it still possible? And how does this impact the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Light at the End of the Tunnel? - Part 1
In January 2021 we were all abuzz with news about the global vaccine rollout, and many of us viewed it as a “light at the end of the tunnel” for the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, over 8 months later, we all have a better understanding of what impact the vaccine has had, and how it has changed both governmental regulations and workplace requirements.

Proxxi’s April Newsletter - 2021
Did you know that April 7th is World Health Day? Supporting the health and safety of business and their employees is Proxxi’s key driver. We strive to bring you pertinent information for workplace health and safety topics in our monthly newsletters, and April is no exception.

Proxxi’s March Newsletter - 2021
This March marks the one year mark of Covid-19 being declared a global pandemic. A lot of change has happened over the past year, but here at Proxxi we will want to ensure our customers are well informed about the topics that matter to them. In this newsletter we will be focusing on how you can improve your organization’s workplace safety plan.

HealthWell Solutions: How Will the Covid-19 Vaccine Affect Return to Work Strategies?
As more employees are now getting vaccinated, some questions are beginning to arise for employers to implement safety and COVID return to work strategies for their employees. Research is still underway to determine the effectiveness of COVID antibodies and if the vaccines will prevent those who have received it from spreading Covid-19.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
At the end of 2020 the Covid-19 vaccine rollout began in many countries, with many more eagerly awaiting delivery of their orders. With a light at the end of the tunnel we are all looking forward to returning to the activities, places, and people we have missed so much in the past 10 months.
We all have questions about the vaccine and want to know when we will be able to get back to normal. To help answer some of these questions, we did a review of recent news articles and journal publications to summarize the vaccine rollout projections and facts.