Industry Insights

Contact Tracing and Recent CDC Updates
Recent changes to the CDC guidelines for contact tracing will impact how organizations manage their workforce in COVID and how they mitigate the risk of shutdown in the case of a positive test or exposure. It’s important to know what those changes are, and how they will influence your organization.

Why is Wearable Safety Important for COVID-19, and How Do I Choose the Right Device?
Everyone is charting new waters this year, and with that in mind we wanted to discuss factors that will come into play when choosing to invest in a wearable device, and again when choosing which one to proceed with.

Proxxi’s October Newsletter - 2020
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, October is usually the start of the cold and flu season. This year more than ever, every sniffle is going to turn heads, and we know that your employees’ safety and your business’s serviceability is top priority. With that in mind, we are going to focus a bit more on the impact on your organization.