Industry Insights

Supporting Employee Engagement with Proxxi Contact
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Supporting Employee Engagement with Proxxi Contact

The success of rolling out Proxxi Contact (or any other new process or technology) is greatly dependent upon user engagement and cooperation.

To help you ensure that your team not only understands, but also engages with the product, we have written this guide on how to create the best environment for introducing Proxxi Contact to your organization.

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Creating a Safe Workplace
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Creating a Safe Workplace

With our products, our goal is to make workplaces safer for employees and for organizations. With many of us back to working on-site, we wanted to create a list of different ways that you can keep your workplace safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the items on this list may not be required by your local health authority, but could potentially help in reducing the risk of spreading Covid-19.

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Proxxi’s January Newsletter - 2021
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Proxxi’s January Newsletter - 2021

All of us at Proxxi wanted to take a moment and wish you a Happy New Year! We hope that all of you were able to safely and happily enjoy your holiday season!

This new year is sure to bring lots of changes, but we are all feeling very positive about the year to come.

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The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
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The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

At the end of 2020 the Covid-19 vaccine rollout began in many countries, with many more eagerly awaiting delivery of their orders. With a light at the end of the tunnel we are all looking forward to returning to the activities, places, and people we have missed so much in the past 10 months.

We all have questions about the vaccine and want to know when we will be able to get back to normal. To help answer some of these questions, we did a review of recent news articles and journal publications to summarize the vaccine rollout projections and facts.

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What Does a Positive COVID-19 Case Mean for Your Organization?
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What Does a Positive COVID-19 Case Mean for Your Organization?

Navigating the workplace has changed, no matter what your role is within an organization. Policies and procedures have been put in place to help address both employees’ safety and the organization’s interests.

But no matter how protective the processes are, employees are still required to engage in other activities outside of work, and there is always the risk of someone who is infectious coming into the work space. In this article we are going to explore what a positive case can mean for your organization.

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Contact Tracing and Recent CDC Updates
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Contact Tracing and Recent CDC Updates

Recent changes to the CDC guidelines for contact tracing will impact how organizations manage their workforce in COVID and how they mitigate the risk of shutdown in the case of a positive test or exposure. It’s important to know what those changes are, and how they will influence your organization.

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Proxxi’s October Newsletter - 2020
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Proxxi’s October Newsletter - 2020

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, October is usually the start of the cold and flu season. This year more than ever, every sniffle is going to turn heads, and we know that your employees’ safety and your business’s serviceability is top priority. With that in mind, we are going to focus a bit more on the impact on your organization.

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