Industry Insights

Near Misses and Self-Reporting: Part 1 - How Many Near Misses are Missed?
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Near Misses and Self-Reporting: Part 1 - How Many Near Misses are Missed?

Every job has hazards, and if those hazards are not appropriately handled then any job can become a dangerous one. The creation and implementation of workplace safety measures is heavily reliant on self-reporting of near misses. However, near misses are not always reported. It is important to understand the reasons behind this lack of reporting, how to resolve it, and what else can be done in order to ensure workplace safety and worker health. 

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Navigating Risk: The Importance of Planning for Low Probability, High Impact Risks
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Navigating Risk: The Importance of Planning for Low Probability, High Impact Risks

When an event is viewed as unlikely, it can be easy to shrug off risk. Many behaviours in the workplace can be viewed as “safe” when they are actually low-probability risks. However, because many of our actions in the workplace are performed over and over again, mitigating this risk becomes more important. The more times an action is performed, the more likely something will happen, even if the probability is low.

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Proxxi’s May Newsletter - 2021
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Proxxi’s May Newsletter - 2021

You think about safety every day - and so do we. This month we have taken a step back from safety for individual employees to look more closely at best business practices for workplace safety initiatives.

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Planning for Return-to-Work
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Planning for Return-to-Work

With the rollout of vaccines and changes to local or federal regulations, many organizations have started returning their employees to the office or jobsite. Those in health and safety roles are being tasked with the creation and execution of a return-to-work plan. 

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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 3 -The Financial Impact
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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 3 -The Financial Impact

When we speak with customers about how electrical incidents affect their organization, one of the items that always comes up is financial impact. Financials are a key factor in company success, longevity, and growth, and so they are understandably top of mind for many people. When looking at how electrical incidents affect an organization’s financials, there are many direct and indirect costs that need to be considered.

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Protecting On-Site Workers - A Case Study with The ExOne Company
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Protecting On-Site Workers - A Case Study with The ExOne Company

We had an opportunity to check in with our Proxxi Contact customer, The ExOne Company, at the end of February. We wanted to ask Sarah Calabrese, the Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator North America at ExOne, how the deployment of the Proxxi Contact solution that she spearheaded was going. This EH&S Coordinator explained how she is protecting some of their most valuable on-site workers.

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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 2 - Impact on Employees
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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 2 - Impact on Employees

Electrical incidents can have major consequences for your organization. Although they are relatively unlikely to occur, the results of an electrical incident can be life changing for all employees, not just for those involved.

When an electrical incident occurs, the employee involved can be impacted in various degrees, including no or mild injury, severe injury, or even death. Beyond the physical injury, there can also be psychological repercussions. There can also be impacts on employees beyond those involved in the electrical incident.

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Proxxi’s March Newsletter - 2021
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Proxxi’s March Newsletter - 2021

This March marks the one year mark of Covid-19 being declared a global pandemic. A lot of change has happened over the past year, but here at Proxxi we will want to ensure our customers are well informed about the topics that matter to them. In this newsletter we will be focusing on how you can improve your organization’s workplace safety plan.

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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 1 - Introduction
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The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 1 - Introduction

Electrical safety is a low probability, high impact subsection of workplace safety. This means that although electricity-related events may be relatively unlikely to occur, they are of great importance when they do, and the consequences can be deadly. Because of the low likelihood, some organizations ignore or put off improving their electrical safety plans. 

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Creating a COVID-19 Action Plan - A Case Study with Johns Manville
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Creating a COVID-19 Action Plan - A Case Study with Johns Manville

In the beginning of February, Proxxi had the opportunity to chat with Casey McClain, Senior EHS Specialist, and Lyndsy Malark, Pandemic Coordinator, at Johns Manville’s Plattsburgh, New York facility. We discussed how they have been managing health and safety measures over the last year in their upper New York State manufacturing facility.

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Creating a Workplace Plan - A Case Study with a Clean Energy Company
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Creating a Workplace Plan - A Case Study with a Clean Energy Company

One of our customers is a global group that develops and manages sustainable infrastructure solutions, especially in renewable energy. Their business spans the entire value chain, from design and construction through to operation and maintenance. They are aware of the importance of having a workplace safety program that is well thought out, comprehensive, and effective. 

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How to Use the Hierarchy of Hazard Control in Your Workplace Safety Plan

How to Use the Hierarchy of Hazard Control in Your Workplace Safety Plan

When building a workplace safety plan, there are many different approaches to take. Certain aspects of workplace safety are governmentally mandated, but even within those mandates there are different ways in which safety can be achieved.

Safe workplaces save money, have more productive employees, have a better community image, and, or course, prevent workplace injury and illness.

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Proxxi’s February Newsletter - 2021
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Proxxi’s February Newsletter - 2021

As you know, Proxxi is first and foremost a company that is focused on improving worker safety. In this month’s newsletter, we have decided to focus on how to ensure that your organization is doing everything it needs to in order to protect our employees and our organizations.

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