Industry Insights

Proxxi’s January Newsletter
What’s new in 2022?
As we all enter into a new year, we’re excited to announce some of most exciting product updates

Proxxi’s December Newsletter
With 2021 quickly coming to a close, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at some posts from this year that our community found the most helpful and informative.

Proxxi’s November Newsletter - 2021
Are you as data-driven as we are? This month's newsletter focuses on the statistics around injuries, both electrical and non-electrical.

Electrical Danger - Shock vs Arc Flash
In the safety industry, we all know that electrical risks are an ever-present element of an electrical worker’s daily activities. In recent years, the regulations and safety technology have focused on addressing the dangers of arc flashes.
Both arch flashes and shock can cause injury, or even death. However, when you look at the data, electric shock poses a much more statistically significant risk. So why do we hear about arc flash so much more frequently?

Proxxi’s October Newsletter
In autumn 2020, many nations in the northern hemisphere saw an increase in cases of COVID-19. How will we fare this fall? Last month we shared the first posts in our vaccine and Delta blog series. This month, we bring you more of what you need to know.

Workplace Injuries and Fatalities: Statistics for Demographics, Timing, and Industries
Workplace injuries are something that we all strive to eliminate. Over the years, as regulations have been put in place, technological improvements have been made, and attitudes have changed, there have been vast improvements in workplace safety. However, as injuries and fatalities continue to occur, we can review the when, where, and who to help us better prevent these incidents.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Israel Case Study - Part 3
Israel was the first nation to vaccinate the majority of its population. As such, the rest of the world can look to it to better understand the progression of “getting back to normal”. Organizations can take note of their experience and apply lessons learned to their own COVID-19 safety plan.

The Delta Variant: What Does This Mean For My Organization? - Part 2
The Delta variant caused renewed outbreaks worldwide, pushed nations back into restrictions, and challenged our hopes that that vaccine would end the pandemic. In this article we will explore we will examine how the Delta variant is reshaping the pandemic and how that will impact your organization.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Herd Immunity - Part 2
“Herd immunity” became a rallying cry around the COVID-19 vaccine. With herd immunity we could feasibly return to normal without fear of outbreaks. Is it still possible? And how does this impact the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Proxxi’s September Newsletter - 2021
As we see a global resurgence of COVID-19 led by the Delta variant, how has your organization reacted? We are hearing from our customers that many organizations are scrambling to reimplement their previous protocols.
To help you get ahead and prevent downtime in your business, we are focusing our content this month on COVID-19 and how your organization can prepare.

The Delta Variant: Why Is This Variant Such Big News? - Part 1
In recent months, the Delta variant has become the most prominent COVID-19 variant globally. Having first surfaced in India in October 2020, the variant quickly spread world-wide. As a result of the Delta variant, many organizations and countries have had to revisit their COVID-19 policies.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: The Light at the End of the Tunnel? - Part 1
In January 2021 we were all abuzz with news about the global vaccine rollout, and many of us viewed it as a “light at the end of the tunnel” for the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, over 8 months later, we all have a better understanding of what impact the vaccine has had, and how it has changed both governmental regulations and workplace requirements.

Proxxi’s August Newsletter
August is national wellness month. In the workplace, wellness is influenced by the workplace culture, management attitudes, peer behaviour, and so much more. With safety and wellness going hand-in-hand, we spend a lot of time thinking about both.

Workplace Accidents: Situational or Systemic?
In the workplace, EHS teams aim to improve safety outcomes and decrease the likelihood of workplace accidents. In some organizations, these efforts focus on the individual, citing the specific situation as the cause of an incident. However, although accidents are relatively rare, near misses are much less so. The absence of an accident does not always indicate an absence of risk. When you combine both near misses and accidents, similarities can be found, and more systemic causes can be identified.

Proxxi’s July Newsletter - 2021
Whether you are preparing for a getaway or holding down the fort, July often marks the beginning of summer holidays for those of us in the northern hemisphere. To help fill out your holiday reading list, we have brought you new blog posts that will help you highlight possible safety gaps for your organization.

The Risk of Perceived Risk - Part 2: Perceived Risk and Workplace Safety
Perceived risk can be highly inaccurate, as it is influenced by factors such as risk tolerance and risk normalisation. This inaccuracy of perceived risk can have huge trickle-down effects on workplace safety: from which risks are seen by management as a hazard, to likelihood of following safety procedures among workers.

The Risk of Perceived Risk - Part 1: What is Perceived Risk?
All jobs involve hazards and risks. In acknowledging the presence of risk, we establish the need for safety. This is why safety plans are required for all organizations and roles. One big question, however, is how does our perception of risk influence safety and the effectiveness of safety procedures?

Feedback Loops and Organizational Safety: How to Effectively Promote New Safety Habits in the Workplace
When it comes to rolling out new safety processes or implementing existing ones, getting uptake from workers can be challenging. In some cases, they may be purposefully resistant. In others, they may just be unconsciously following a habit. In the case of the second scenario, there is a process of unlearning and relearning that has to take place before this unsafe habit is replaced with a new, safer habit.

Near Misses and Self-Reporting: Part 2 - How Can Near Miss Reporting Rates be Improved?
Missing data is a big issue when it comes to near miss reporting. This missing data impacts safety planning, preventative measures, and ultimately, the future safety of all workers. Once the reason or reasons for workers not reporting near misses has been identified, the next step is to combat those factors.

Near Misses and Self-Reporting: Part 1 - How Many Near Misses are Missed?
Every job has hazards, and if those hazards are not appropriately handled then any job can become a dangerous one. The creation and implementation of workplace safety measures is heavily reliant on self-reporting of near misses. However, near misses are not always reported. It is important to understand the reasons behind this lack of reporting, how to resolve it, and what else can be done in order to ensure workplace safety and worker health.