Industry Insights

Proxxi’s September Newsletter
With many folks in the northern hemisphere returning from summer vacations, this September is sure to be a busy one for all, so we’ve kept this month’s newsletter short and sweet.

Proxxi’s August Newsletter
This month we’re bringing you content that fits into your day, whether that's the time to dig into our newest case study, or a quick moment to flip through our 4-slide infographics.
So whether you’re holding down the fort in the office, taking time off with family, or celebrating National Golf Month on the green, you’ll find something that works for you.

Proxxi’s July Newsletter
For us in the northern hemisphere, July signals the beginning of summer fun - vacations, beach days, and time with the family. But as all of those in the EHS space know, safety doesn’t take a vacation, and distractions about upcoming holidays can result in disastrous consequences.

Proxxi’s June Newsletter
From Electrical Safety Month in May to Safety Month in June - Proxxi is here to help you protect your workers.

Encouraging Employee Engagement with Proxxi Voltage
Employee engagement defines the success of any deployment. By taking the time to acknowledge potential sticking points and plan for them, you will help ensure the success of the rollout.

The Risk of Perceived Risk - Part 2: Perceived Risk and Workplace Safety
Perceived risk can be highly inaccurate, as it is influenced by factors such as risk tolerance and risk normalisation. This inaccuracy of perceived risk can have huge trickle-down effects on workplace safety: from which risks are seen by management as a hazard, to likelihood of following safety procedures among workers.

Near Misses and Self-Reporting: Part 2 - How Can Near Miss Reporting Rates be Improved?
Missing data is a big issue when it comes to near miss reporting. This missing data impacts safety planning, preventative measures, and ultimately, the future safety of all workers. Once the reason or reasons for workers not reporting near misses has been identified, the next step is to combat those factors.

Proxxi’s April Newsletter - 2021
Did you know that April 7th is World Health Day? Supporting the health and safety of business and their employees is Proxxi’s key driver. We strive to bring you pertinent information for workplace health and safety topics in our monthly newsletters, and April is no exception.

The Impact of an Electrical Incident: Part 3 -The Financial Impact
When we speak with customers about how electrical incidents affect their organization, one of the items that always comes up is financial impact. Financials are a key factor in company success, longevity, and growth, and so they are understandably top of mind for many people. When looking at how electrical incidents affect an organization’s financials, there are many direct and indirect costs that need to be considered.

Protecting On-Site Workers - A Case Study with The ExOne Company
We had an opportunity to check in with our Proxxi Contact customer, The ExOne Company, at the end of February. We wanted to ask Sarah Calabrese, the Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator North America at ExOne, how the deployment of the Proxxi Contact solution that she spearheaded was going. This EH&S Coordinator explained how she is protecting some of their most valuable on-site workers.

How to Get the Most Benefit Out of Proxxi Contact
Now that you have chosen the device that works for your organization and planned your rollout, you will likely be wanting to know how your organization can get the most out of your wearable safety product.

Proxxi’s February Newsletter - 2021
As you know, Proxxi is first and foremost a company that is focused on improving worker safety. In this month’s newsletter, we have decided to focus on how to ensure that your organization is doing everything it needs to in order to protect our employees and our organizations.

The Time and Cost of Deploying Proxxi Contact
When choosing to proceed with a contact tracing solution, time and cost are two important factors in making the decision and in rolling out the solution. Proxxi Contact is a relatively low-impact contact tracing solution to implement, but to ensure you have all of the information, we have reviewed the time and cost involved in this article.

Supporting Employee Engagement with Proxxi Contact
The success of rolling out Proxxi Contact (or any other new process or technology) is greatly dependent upon user engagement and cooperation.
To help you ensure that your team not only understands, but also engages with the product, we have written this guide on how to create the best environment for introducing Proxxi Contact to your organization.

Creating a Safe Workplace
With our products, our goal is to make workplaces safer for employees and for organizations. With many of us back to working on-site, we wanted to create a list of different ways that you can keep your workplace safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the items on this list may not be required by your local health authority, but could potentially help in reducing the risk of spreading Covid-19.

Proxxi’s January Newsletter - 2021
All of us at Proxxi wanted to take a moment and wish you a Happy New Year! We hope that all of you were able to safely and happily enjoy your holiday season!
This new year is sure to bring lots of changes, but we are all feeling very positive about the year to come.

Proxxi’s December Newsletter - 2020
As 2020 is coming to a close we here at Proxxi are feeling pretty optimistic about what’s to come next year! Before we bid this year goodbye, we wanted to make sure you had one final update from us.
How to Plan a Successful Rollout for Proxxi Contact
We wanted to review some of the important decisions and next steps you need to make that go beyond knowing how to use Proxxi Contact and into how to successfully use Proxxi Contact within your organization.
Proxxi’s November Newsletter - 2020
We hope that you have had a good start to your November! In this month’s newsletter we will be discussing recent updates from the CDC. We have also included a case study with one of our customers.

Deploying Contact Tracing Technology - A Case Study With Nice|HySecurity
With Contact Tracing Technology being so new to the market, we spend a lot of time talking about how things could be used, with few examples of how the technology has practically impacted organizations. Earlier this month, Proxxi’s Partner Manager Tom Newton spoke with Brandon Mambelli of Nice | HySecurity, an early customer of ours. In this discussion, Brandon was able to explain how using Proxxi Contact has impacted his organization, and why Nice | HySecurity chose to implement an automated solution.